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   Yamanote Line

Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Ōkubo 2-27-18



   Meotogi Jinja

Home page: (Japanese)

April 2, 2018

Enshrined Kami:  


(Note: numbers in parentheses after kami names

refer to position in How Many Kami table)

Izanagi-no-mikoto (13A)    伊邪那岐

Izanami-no-mikoto (13B)  伊邪那美命


From Merged Shrines


In-ground Shrines:

Mitake Jinja                          御嶽神社

Shussei Inari Jinja               出世稲荷神社

Ōkubo Benzaiten               大久保弁財天


​Annual Festival:    


Information on the history of this Meotogi Jinja is extremely limited. The shrine information board tells us that while the date of the its foundation is unclear, a shrine was relocated to the Edo residence of the Kishū Domain in the early Edo Period  and this seems to have been its origin.

We now jump forward to 1965, when the deity of the Awajima Izanagi Jingū, Izanagi, was cloned through the bunrei process.  In August 1973 the shrine registered as a religious corporation.


By definition any shrine which is located in Tōkyō's 23 wards can be described as "urban" but many of them could easily be relocated to the suburbs or countryside and fit right in. Not so with Meotogi Jinja, an urban shrine par excellence. I am guessing here, but, as the photos

below show, it seems to be an adapted house. The torii looks as though it was assembled and placed on the kerb and at the back of the shrine a narrow staircase leads to the second floor where the prayer hall is located. On its home page its wedding hosting services feature heavily, and this is linked to the shrine's deities, Izanagi and Izanami, who were Japan's first married couple

(Click on images to expand them)

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© Rod Lucas 2016-2025

All text and photos by Lucas unless otherwise stated

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