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   Shinmei Jinja

9 September, 2020

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This is the thirteenth of my ex post facto shrine reports.


This Shinmei Jinja is said to have been founded as Asahi Jinja in 1833 with Ukanomitama-kami, Sumiyoshi-Ōkami, and Kamayamahiko as the enshrined deities. Just eight years later, however, the governor of Sakai, Mizuno Wakasano kami (?) decided that Aamaterasu-Ōmikami and Toyōuke-Ōkami would be the jointly enshrined main deities and the shrine’s name changed to Shinmei Jinja.

In 1909 the shrine was designated as a Shinsen-heihaku-ryōkyōshin-jinja, meaning that during the Kinen-sai, Niiname-sai, and Rei-sai festivals prefectural governors would make offerings on behalf of the imperial family. It was basically destroyed during the 1945 firebombings and reconstruction was not completed until 1997. 

In light of the fact that Ukanomitama-kami, Sumiyoshi-Ōkami, and Kamayamahiko, are its ehshrined kami, it seems likely that the in-ground Toyohiko Inari Jinja, was the original Asahi Jinja.

Enshrined Kami:  


Amaterasu Ōkami (55)   天照大御


From Merged Shrines


In-ground Shrines:

Toyohiko Inari Jinja             豊彦稲荷神社


​Annual Festival:    

Shinmei Jinja  神明神社
Shinmei Jinja  神明神社

(Click on images to expand them)

Shinmei Jinja  神明神社
Shinmei Jinja  神明神社
Shinmei Jinja  神明神社
Shinmei Jinja  神明神社
Shinmei Jinja  神明神社
Shinmei Jinja  神明神社
Shinmei Jinja  神明神社
Shinmei Jinja  神明神社
Shinmei Jinja  神明神社
Shinmei Jinja  神明神社
Shinmei Jinja  神明神社
Shinmei Jinja  神明神社

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© Rod Lucas 2016-2025

All text and photos by Lucas unless otherwise stated

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