Number of Shrines in Chūō -ku described on this site (12)
According to The Association of Shintō Shrines there are 42 shrines registered with it in Chūō-ku (Japanese). I have come up with a number of 62: this is a much smaller difference than the wards I have previously looked at . In the following table the names of the main (host) shrines are in bold characters, the names of the secondary shrines not. In all cases the addresses of the latter are identical to those of the former.
Of the total 29 main shrines, 15 (51.7%) are Inari, as are 3 (15.8) of the 19 secondary shrines. Thus, of the total 48 shrines in Chūō-ku 18 (37.5%) are Inari, much higher the 23% nationwide figure implied in Kamata’s table. There are just two Hachiman Jinja in the ward, one a main shrine, one in-ground..
In the interest of readability I have omitted "Tokyo-to, Chūō -ku" from the address.
Where two or more shrines share the same address the one at the top is the main shrine, the one(s) below in-ground/subordinate shrines.